Importance of Brand Strategy: Things to Do Before Logo Design or Brand Identity
Anoop C A
by Anoop C A

Importance of Brand Strategy: Things to Do Before Logo Design or Brand Identity

If a ‘Logo’ comes to mind every time you hear ‘Branding’, we urge you to think again after reading this blog. A logo is merely a by-product of branding, and many businesses make the error of diving straight into logo design and brand identity without establishing the necessary groundwork: brand strategy.

Let us explore why brand strategy forms the foundation of effective branding efforts and why it should always precede logo design and brand identity creation.

Understanding Brand Strategy

Before immersing yourself in the visual aspects of branding, it is crucial to develop a robust brand strategy. Brand strategy encompasses the plan that dictates how a company positions itself in the market, communicates its values, and engages with its target audience. This involves extensive research, analysis, and decision-making to establish a clear direction for the brand's identity and messaging.

Nike's brand strategy revolves around empowerment and athleticism, evident in their messaging and partnerships with athletes like Serena Williams and LeBron James. This strategy guides all aspects of their branding efforts, from their iconic swoosh logo to their "Just Do It" slogan.

Aligning Visual Identity with Brand Values

One primary function of brand strategy is to align visual elements with the brand's values, goals, and target audience. A cohesive brand strategy ensures that the visual identity accurately represents what the brand stands for and resonates with its intended audience.

Before embarking on logo design and brand identity creation, businesses must first define their brand values, personality, and positioning. This ensures that visual elements, such as logos, colour schemes, and typography, are consistent with the brand's identity and effectively communicate its message. For instance, Coca-Cola's brand strategy revolves around happiness and nostalgia, reflected in their classic red logo and timeless advertising campaigns.

Ensuring Consistency and Cohesion 

Consistency is paramount to effective branding. A well-defined brand strategy provides a framework for ensuring consistency and cohesion across all brand touchpoints. It outlines the brand's core values, personality, and positioning, which should be reflected in its visual identity.

Without a cohesive brand strategy, visual elements may appear disjointed or fail to resonate with the target audience. By establishing a clear brand strategy, businesses can ensure that their visual identity remains consistent across various channels, from their website to their marketing materials, fostering trust and recognition among their audience. 

Standing Out in the Market

In a crowded marketplace, differentiation is crucial. A well-defined brand strategy helps identify what sets a brand apart from competitors and how to leverage those unique attributes in its visual identity. By focusing on its unique value proposition and effectively communicating it through visual elements, a brand can stand out in the market and capture the attention of potential customers. 

Whether it is through innovative design, compelling messaging, or distinctive branding elements, a strong brand strategy can help a business differentiate itself and carve out a niche in its industry. For instance, by placing innovation and simplicity at the centre of their brand strategy, Apple has gained a tremendous following. This focus on innovation and design has helped Apple stand out in the tech industry and command a premium price for its products.

Building Trust and Credibility 

Trust and credibility are essential for building strong brand relationships. A cohesive brand strategy ensures that the brand's visual identity accurately reflects its values and promises, fostering trust and loyalty among its audience.

By maintaining consistency and authenticity across all brand touchpoints, businesses can build trust with their customers and establish themselves as credible and reliable brands. This trust is crucial for fostering long-term relationships and repeat business, contributing to the brand's success and growth.

Brand strategy serves as the foundation of effective branding efforts, laying the groundwork for successful logo design and brand identity creation. By aligning visual elements with brand values, ensuring consistency and cohesion, standing out in the market, and building trust and credibility, businesses can establish a strong brand identity that resonates with their target audience. By prioritising brand strategy before visual branding efforts, businesses can set themselves up for long-term success and recognition in the market.