UX Strategy for Every Product/Services
Yasser Arafath
by Yasser Arafath

UX Strategy for Every Product/Services

User experience design, or UX, is recognized as a critical component of a company’s success these days. Many businesses utilize it as a competitive tactic to set themselves apart from the competition. Creating a positive user experience is a thoughtful process that needs extensive preparation and research.

A user experience strategy is a long-term plan for a digital product.

User experience, or UX, is concerned with how users feel when interacting with a product or service. To improve the user experience, following three components must be addressed: Visual design, Content design, and Interaction design.

• Visual design is concerned with how things appear.

• Content design is concerned with the role words play in establishing a brand’s personality and providing a welcoming introduction. 

• Interaction design focuses on how a design communicates with the user through activities. 

The term “strategy” is a well-defined plan for achieving certain objectives. Three things should be duly identified in a strategy – where we are now, where we expect to reach, and how to reach there. A robust strategy will aid a company in analyzing its current condition, defining its future goals, and creating a roadmap and all possible follow-ups.

A solid UX strategy can help a product team stay focused on solving the right problem for their target users. It can assist businesses in creating a reasonable user experience across all user touchpoints. It can help businesses in a variety of ways, including:

• Save time and effort by defining clear goals.

• Move product in the right direction.

• Comprehensive strategy, to improve understanding between UX design and business goals.

• Prioritize time and resources throughout the design process.

• Keep up the brand promises to reduce the customer attrition rate.

Create a strong UX Strategy by assessing the current state, identifying the final objectives, and devising ways to reach goals.

Current state. To start with, identify and examine your current performance. This demonstrates the existing design’s flaws and limits. Customer conversion rate, customer lifetime value, net promoter score, and other product metrics aid in the unambiguous identification of a design’s performance while conducting UX research.

Destination. The next phase is to achieve the end goals. Here, determine what must be modified in the current design to meet the needs of the future design. Costs, revenue, user engagement, and other objectives must all be set. It is critical to maintain your objectives as reasonable, precise, and measurable. The discussion phase will be beneficial. Involve team and stakeholders for effective ideas and solutions.

Journey. Make a detailed plan which includes Budget, timeframe, and resource availability. When designing the roadmap, both technical and business must be considered. To achieve the goals, the UI/UX designers must make strategic decisions and develop a trustworthy measurement framework to track progress.

Follow these five best practices to make the UX design process go more smoothly.

• Research gives facts, valid points, and in-depth of current affairs to develop a strategy.

• Keep clear, long-term goals to devise a perfect strategy.

• Always be open to tweaks or revisions to keep your strategy flexible.

• Obtain input from a variety of sources and closely examine it to determine if anything can be improved.

• Maintain a straightforward, basic, and usable design.