NCD Singapore Educational Video

With operations spanning across 165 countries and territories worldwide, Viatris dedicates itself to expanding access to high-quality and affordable medicines for patients around the globe.

NCD Singapore Educational Video

Viatris Inc. is a premier global healthcare corporation with a diverse portfolio of products that encompasses both generic and branded drugs, biosimilars, and over-the-counter medications. The company approached our team with a targeted request to create a compelling and informative video that would educate stakeholders about the Alliance Markets cluster and the potential opportunities for Viatris to cater to the unmet healthcare needs of patients in this region.

We created a storyboard to communicate the subject matter effectively. To highlight the diversity and reach of healthcare provision in the Alliance markets, we included individuals from various nationalities in South Asia and then introduced the Alliance Markets cluster. We then focused on the NCD burden in Asia and how it contributes to global NCDs, using statistical information to emphasise the prevalence of heart diseases, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases in countries such as Singapore, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. Finally, the video concludes by emphasising Viatris's global efforts to expand access to healthcare solutions and empower people worldwide.​

The video we created for Viatris was a resounding success in effectively communicating the important message of providing healthcare solutions to the Alliance Markets cluster. By incorporating a range of visual and auditory elements, such as the use of news clips and statistical data, we were able to create an engaging and informative video that effectively conveyed the key message. ​