Viatris, a global pharmaceutical brand holds an Emerging Market Cycle Meet which consists of various sections where all the team members come together and participate equally.
Viatris, the global pharmaceutical brand, organises the EM Cycle Meet, where all team members from the Emerging Market participate equally in various sections. They approached us to create a motivational video to encourage members to work towards their goals, which would be played at the end of the meeting- a video that would reinstate their vigour and determination to move ahead in the future.
Our team created a motivational video with the theme that was shared by the client. We ideated and created a video that showcased the strength and power of the team members to achieve their desired goal. We depicted the journey towards reaching the goal like that of a car racing event where each participant is highly motivated to win the race and goes ahead with full gusto to win in the long run.
We successfully created a motivational video for Viatris' EM Cycle Meet. The video, using a car racing metaphor, showcases the team's strength and ability to achieve their goals. This video would be played at the end of the meeting to motivate and encourage the members to work hard towards their goals. The video catered to the needs of the client and was immensely motivating for the team by the end of the meet.