Swisscore Packaging Identity

SILCORE and AZICORE are two prominent product brands offered by Swisscore. SILCORE provides treatment for erectile dysfunction, while AZICORE is an Azithromycin drug that offers protection against bacterial infections.

Swisscore Packaging Identity

Swisscore: Packaging that Speaks Excellence

Swisscore approached our team to develop brand logos and packaging identities for their two prominent brands: SILCORE and AZICORE. The goal was to create visually appealing and informative packaging designs that would effectively showcase the benefits of both products.

Swisscore Packaging Identity

Swisscore approached us to develop distinct brand identities and packaging designs for SILCORE and AZICORE that would effectively resonate with the target audience, increase visibility, and convey clear messaging. Along with this, the outcome was to achieve increased sales and a clear distinction from competitor products. 

Our team of designers embraced the opportunity and approached it as a creative challenge. Our focus was on creating elegant designs that utilised appropriate colours and incorporated elements inspired by the Swiss Alps while conveying their unique benefits. The packaging identity was designed with a core focus to boost brand awareness and showcase the benefits of both products.

We successfully created designs for both SILCORE and AZICORE logos and packaging identities which were the result of meticulous craftsmanship. They featured clean and sophisticated aesthetics, carefully chosen colour palettes, and subtle references to the majestic Swiss Alps. The designs helped them to reach their customers with increased visibility and conveyed communication.